Red-wattled lapwing nest

The Red-wattled Lapwing (Vanellus indicus) is a notable bird found across South Asia. It nests on open ground, often in gravelly or sandy areas, making a simple scrape in the earth. The lapwing typically lays 3-4 camouflaged eggs, with both parents sharing incubation duties and aggressively defending the nest from predators. Recognizable by its loud calls, red facial wattles, and striking black, white, and brown plumage, the Red-wattled Lapwing is a distinctive and protective species in its habitat.

Rescue bird

The Eurasian Hoopoe, common across Europe, Asia, and North Africa, is known for its distinctive appearance and unique call. This bird sports a striking crown of feather plumes, black-and-white striped wings, and a long, slender bill. Its name comes from its distinctive "hoo-hoo-hoo" call. The Eurasian Hoopoe feeds on insects, which it extracts from the ground with its specialized bill. Often found in open landscapes, orchards, and savannas, this bird is both visually and acoustically remarkable.

Amazing nature

Amazing nature

My dentist

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Prepare to depart

The Elegant Tern, found along the coastlines of North and South America, is renowned for its graceful appearance and distinctive black cap during breeding season. With a slender body and long, slender bill, it stands out among seabirds for its aerial acrobatics and precise diving skills. Nesting in large colonies, it exhibits a remarkable social structure, often seen in dense gatherings on sandy beaches. Its stark white plumage, contrasted by a sleek black cap, adds to its striking presence among coastal habitats.

Blue Waxbills

Blue Waxbills (Uraeginthus angolensis) are charming little birds native to sub-Saharan Africa. These finches are named for their striking blue plumage on the upperparts, contrasting with their pale underparts. They also feature distinctive red eyes, adding to their appeal.

Blue Waxbills are commonly found in grasslands, savannas, and open woodlands, where they forage for seeds and insects. Their cheerful chirps and social nature make them popular aviary birds, appreciated by bird enthusiasts for their beauty and lively personalities.

Who are you?

Who are you, why are you here?

Sombre nightjar family

The Sombre Nightjar (Caprimulgus fraenatus) is a nocturnal bird found in parts of southern Africa. It has cryptic, mottled brown and gray plumage that provides excellent camouflage in its woodland and savanna habitats. Unlike many other nightjars, it lacks conspicuous markings. Active at dusk and dawn, the Sombre Nightjar feeds on flying insects, catching them in mid-air with its wide gape. Its subtle, repetitive calls and quiet demeanor make it a less conspicuous species, blending into its surroundings both visually and aurally.

Eurasian penduline tit nest

The Eurasian penduline tit, found across Europe and Asia, is known for its peculiar nesting habits. Instead of building their own nests, they often repurpose abandoned nests built by other birds, particularly the nests of the Eurasian Penduline Tit or the Eurasian Penduline Tit. This behavior, called nest parasitism, is unusual among songbirds.

Mother bird protects her baby on a road full of cars

The White-Browed Tit-Warbler

The White-Browed Tit-Warbler (*Leptopoecile sophiae*) is a charming bird found in the mountainous regions of Central and South Asia, spanning from Afghanistan through the Himalayas to parts of China.

1. **High Altitude Habitat**: This species thrives in high-altitude habitats, typically above 2,000 meters (6,500 feet) in elevation. It prefers coniferous forests, mixed woodlands, and scrubby areas with dense undergrowth, where it can find ample food and suitable nesting sites.

2. **Distinctive Vocalizations**: The White-Browed Tit-Warbler is known for its varied and melodious songs. Its vocal repertoire includes trills, whistles, and chirps, often heard echoing through the mountainous terrain. These songs are not only beautiful but also play a crucial role in communication and territorial defense.

3. **Unique Nesting Behavior**: Unlike typical songbirds, the White-Browed Tit-Warbler constructs a distinctive nest. It builds a globular nest with a side entrance, often attached to the underside of overhanging rocks or within dense shrubbery. This nesting strategy provides protection from predators and harsh weather conditions in its rugged mountainous habitat.

Listen to his singing voice

The Chestnut-vented Conebill (Conirostrum speciosum), native to South America's tropical and subtropical forests, produces distinctive vocalizations. Its song consists of rapid, high-pitched trills and melodious whistles. These sounds are often described as a series of sharp, buzzy notes or a fast, chattering sequence. The Chestnut-vented Conebill uses these vocalizations to communicate within its territory, attract mates, and alert others to potential threats.

Get up, my friend

This parrot cried when its friend died. It kept walking around the dead parrot and calling for its friend to get up

Bronzed drongo

The Bronzed Drongo (Dicrurus aeneus) is a striking bird found in South and Southeast Asia. It is recognized by its glossy, metallic black plumage with a bronze-green sheen. This small but aggressive bird inhabits forests, woodlands, and gardens.

Bronzed Drongos are skilled aerial hunters, feeding on insects they catch in mid-flight. They are known for their fearless behavior, often mobbing much larger birds to protect their territory.

Rescued the hummingbird, and then it built a nest right in front of my house

Rescued the hummingbird, and then it built a nest right in front of my house

The mother bird defies danger to protect the nest

Wild dances

Long-tailed manakin

Anna: This video is wonderfully inspirational, showcasing the beauty of nature.
Mark: Love how adorable the birds are, truly heartwarming.
Lisa: Beautifully captured, these birds are a joy to watch.
Tom: Such cute birds! This video made my day.
Emma: The vibrant colors and playful nature of the birds are mesmerizing.
Dave: Perfectly captures the essence of nature's beauty.

Western Capercaillie 

The Western Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), found in the forests of Europe and parts of Asia, is a majestic bird known for its impressive size and elaborate courtship displays. Males exhibit striking black plumage with iridescent blue and green tones, while females boast more subtle brown feathers for camouflage. With a distinctively curved beak and a prominent red comb above the eye, the Capercaillie epitomizes the beauty of forest-dwelling avian species, symbolizing resilience and adaptation in its natural habitat.

The Band-tailed Manakin

The Band-tailed Manakin, found in Central and South America, is renowned for its intricate courtship displays. Males have glossy black plumage with a bright blue crown and a contrasting white band on their tails. In a mesmerizing dance, they hop around branches, making distinctive snapping sounds with their wings to attract females. This bird's elaborate mating rituals are a spectacle to behold, showcasing nature's creativity and the lengths to which some species go to find a mate.

So adorable :D

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Araripe Manakin

The Araripe Manakin, endemic to a small area in northeastern Brazil, is a critically endangered bird known for its stunning appearance and unique behaviors. Males are striking with their brilliant white plumage, contrasting black wings, and a bright red crown. One of its most fascinating behaviors is the male's display, where it clears a small dance floor on the forest floor to perform elaborate dances to attract females.

White-eared hummingbird

The White-eared Hummingbird (Hylocharis leucotis) is a charming species native to the mountainous regions of Mexico and Central America. Named for the distinctive white patch behind its eye, this hummingbird is adorned with iridescent green plumage on its back and a contrasting white belly. With its rapid wingbeats and agility in flight, it expertly navigates through forested habitats and gardens, feeding on nectar from flowers with its specialized beak.

Slide on ice lake

The fight for survival of the African ostrich

Dance or war?

Experience nature at your doorstep with AI bird camera feeders.


Mother duck is funny

The mother duck happily dived, leaving her children bewildered

Kingfisher catching prey

The Kingfisher is a striking bird known for its vibrant plumage, often featuring shades of blue, green, and orange. Found in diverse regions worldwide, including Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, kingfishers are particularly notable for their exceptional fishing skills. They perch patiently above water, then dive swiftly to catch prey such as fish, insects, and small crustaceans. With their keen eyesight and rapid, precise movements, kingfishers exemplify outstanding hunting prowess, making them fascinating to bird watchers and nature enthusiasts.

Such a tiny bird

The Black-throated Tit (Aegithalos concinnus) is a small, charming bird found in the forests and shrublands of the Himalayas, China, and Southeast Asia. It has a distinctive black throat, rufous-orange face, and grayish body with a long, slender tail. This species often forages in flocks, feeding on insects, seeds, and berries. Known for its energetic behavior, the Black-throated Tit is also highly social, frequently seen hopping through trees and bushes. Its striking appearance and lively presence make it a favorite among birdwatchers in its native habitats.

So beautiful bath

The Indian flycatcher species, including the Asian Paradise Flycatcher, are native to India and noted for their stunning plumage and insect-catching prowess. The Asian Paradise Flycatcher, with its long, elegant tail streamers, is especially striking in India's forests and gardens. Tickell’s Blue Flycatcher, with vibrant blue upperparts and an orange throat, adds brilliance to the Indian landscape. Their agile flight and melodious songs make them outstanding and beloved birds in India's rich biodiversity.

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