Red-cheeked Cordon-Bleu

The Red-cheeked Cordon-Bleu, a delightful bird native to sub-Saharan Africa, enchants observers with its vibrant plumage and charming behavior. Sporting a striking combination of sky-blue feathers, crimson cheeks, and a black mask, it's a captivating sight in the savannas and scrublands it inhabits. These cordon-bleus often gather in small flocks, foraging for seeds and insects on the ground. During courtship, males perform spirited displays, fluttering their wings and chirping melodiously to attract females. Their colorful appearance and lively antics add joy and vibrancy to the African landscapes they call home.

OMG, this is unbelievable

The Great Hornbill (Buceros bicornis), found in Southeast Asian forests, is notable for its colorful plumage and prominent casque on its bill. Although it primarily consumes fruits like figs, it also opportunistically hunts small birds and mammals. This behavior highlights its adaptability and omnivorous nature in its dense forest environment, where it serves essential roles as both a predator and a seed disperser.

Rescue 7 baby birds after the storm

Very fast

Very fast bird

Watch a mother bird defend her nest against a giant

Blyth’s frogmouth

Blyth's Batrachostomus, is a species of frogmouth found in Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
This species is known for its nocturnal habits and cryptic plumage, which helps it blend seamlessly into its forest habitat. Its name "frogmouth" comes from its wide, frog-like gape, which it uses to catch insects in flight. Blyth's Frogmouth is generally brownish-gray with streaks and mottling, providing excellent camouflage against tree bark.

So so cute toucan bird

The Ardea Ibis

The Ardea Ibis, also known as the Glossy Ibis, is a striking bird found in wetlands and marshes across the globe. Its most notable feature is its glossy, iridescent plumage, which shimmers with hues of green, purple, and bronze in the sunlight. During breeding season, they engage in elaborate courtship displays, including bill fencing and mutual preening, to strengthen pair bonds. They construct intricate nests from reeds and grasses, often in colonies with other waterbirds, showcasing their adaptability and social nature.

Adorable bird

Pine grosbeak

The Pine Grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator) is a large, finch-like bird found in the boreal forests of North America, Europe, and Asia. Males are striking with their bright reddish-pink plumage, while females are more subdued with yellowish or olive hues. These birds have a stout bill adapted for feeding on seeds, berries, and buds, particularly favoring coniferous trees. Pine Grosbeaks are known for their gentle demeanor and melodic, warbling song.

Mille Fleur Bantam Hen

The Mille Fleur Bantam Hen is a charming and unique breed known for several special features:

1. **Unique Feather Structure**: The feathers of the Mille Fleur Bantam Hen are not just colorful but also have a unique texture known as "booted" or "feather-legged." This means they have feathers on their feet and legs, adding to their distinctive and charming appearance.

2. **Active Foragers**: Mille Fleur Bantam hens are very active and excellent foragers. They love to scratch and peck around, which helps in natural pest control as they consume various insects and bugs, benefiting the overall health of your garden or yard.

3. **Longevity**: These hens tend to have a longer lifespan compared to some other breeds. With proper care, they can live up to 8-10 years, making them a long-term companion for those who raise them. Their longevity, combined with their friendly nature, makes them a rewarding breed to keep.

Poor him

So colorful

Chicks with bright colors

This owl is studying

This owl is studying

The red-necked tanager

The red-necked tanager, native to South America, captivates with its vivid red throat and contrasting black plumage. This small and colorful bird adds a burst of brilliance to the tropical forests it inhabits, showcasing nature's diversity in avian beauty.

Green Magpie

The Green Magpie (Cissa chinensis) is a vibrant, medium-sized bird found in the forests of Southeast Asia, including parts of the Himalayas, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. Its striking green plumage, bright red beak, legs, and eye-rings make it a standout species. However, in captivity, the bird's green feathers can turn blue due to a lack of certain nutrients. The Green Magpie is a skilled hunter, feeding on insects, small mammals, reptiles, and occasionally fruits. Known for its intelligence and social behavior, it often lives in small family groups, making it a fascinating and colorful species of the Asian forests.

Rhythm of nature

#bird #birdwatching

This bird has hair like a star singer

The Gloster Canary is a popular and distinctive breed of canary known for its unique and charming appearance, particularly the "corona" variety which features a stylish, bowl-cut crest of feathers atop its head. This crest gives the bird a quirky and adorable look, often likened to a "hairdo." In addition to the corona, there is the "consort" variety, which lacks the crest but is equally attractive. Bred primarily for show, Gloster Canaries come in various colors and are celebrated for their lively temperament and pleasant song, making them favored pets among avian enthusiasts.

Red Billed Blue Magpie

The Red-billed Blue Magpie, found in the Himalayas and parts of Southeast Asia, is a striking bird with a deep blue plumage, contrasting with a vivid red bill and legs. Its long tail adds to its impressive appearance, making it one of the most colorful corvid species. These magpies are highly social birds, often seen in small groups or pairs, foraging for insects, small vertebrates, and fruits in forested areas.

Crabs are very dangerous to eagles

Amazing nest White Tern

The White Tern, also known as the Fairy Tern or Angel Tern, is a graceful seabird found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Its name is derived from its pure white plumage, which contrasts sharply with its black eye and bill. Unlike most terns, the White Tern nests exclusively on tree branches rather than on the ground. It lays a single egg directly on a small, sturdy branch, where it is incubated by both parents. With its elegant flight and ethereal appearance, the White Tern is a symbol of purity and beauty in the coastal ecosystems it inhabits.

Artisans weave in nature

War in the sky

So cute

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Experience wildlife up close with AI-powered bird camera feeders. These smart devices not only attract birds to your garden but also capture stunning images and videos, identifying different species in real-time. Enjoy the beauty of nature, enhance your birdwatching hobby, and learn about local wildlife effortlessly!

The Red-legged Honeycreeper

The Red-legged Honeycreeper (Cyanerpes cyaneus) is a dazzling bird native to Central and South America, known for its vibrant plumage and slender build. Males exhibit a striking combination of deep blue feathers, a contrasting black mask, and bright red legs, while females are predominantly green with blue accents. Found in tropical forests and gardens, these honeycreepers play a crucial role in pollination as they feed on nectar and insects. Their energetic foraging behavior and melodious calls contribute to the lively ambiance of their habitats, making them a cherished sight for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts alike.

This bird has a very funny face and is round like a ball

The male Bearded Reedling, resplendent with its distinctive orange-brown plumage and signature mustache-like markings, is a sight to behold in its wetland habitat. Native to the reed beds and marshes of Europe and Asia, this avian dandy boasts a rather eclectic palate, with a penchant for feasting on insects, seeds, and even small mollusks. With a delicate balance of grace and gusto, it flits among reed beds, its melodious call adding a touch of charm to its surroundings. In the world of the wetlands, the male Bearded Reedling is both a suave connoisseur and a master of its domain.

Long-tailed Minivet

The Long-tailed Minivet, a charming bird found in Asia, enchants with its colorful plumage and graceful demeanor. Males boast striking contrasts, with bright orange or yellow underparts and black upperparts, while females display more subdued tones. Living in open woodlands and forest edges, they flit among branches, catching insects on the wing. During breeding season, males perform aerial displays, fluttering their long tails and singing melodious songs to attract mates.

Strange behavior of this bird

Never give up

Ruddy Shelduck family

The Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea), native to Central Asia and parts of North Africa, is a striking waterfowl known for its vibrant orange-brown plumage. With a distinctive white face and black wingtips, it often inhabits lakes, rivers, and wetlands. This shelduck is notable for its loud, resonant calls and migratory behavior, traveling long distances between breeding and wintering grounds. Monogamous and territorial, the Ruddy Shelduck typically nests in burrows or crevices, playing a vital role in the biodiversity of its habitats.

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