Amazing owl

Experience nature at your doorstep with AI bird camera feeders.


Great mother

Looking to connect with nature from the comfort of your home?

Experience wildlife up close with AI-powered bird camera feeders. These smart devices not only attract birds to your garden but also capture stunning images and videos, identifying different species in real-time. Enjoy the beauty of nature, enhance your birdwatching hobby, and learn about local wildlife effortlessly!


Interesting moment when a flock of striped-headed geese flies above the yacht

Lined Seedeater

The Lined Seedeater (Sporophila lineola) is a small bird species found in parts of South America, particularly in Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay. It is known for its subtle yet striking appearance, characterized by a buff-colored breast with thin black streaks or "lines," giving it its name. The rest of its plumage is predominantly gray, with darker markings on the wings and tail. Lined Seedeaters inhabit grasslands, savannas, and agricultural areas, where they forage for seeds and small insects. They are often found in flocks, especially during the non-breeding season, and are known for their melodious songs, which vary in complexity depending on the region.

Eurasian penduline tit nest

The Eurasian penduline tit, found across Europe and Asia, is known for its peculiar nesting habits. Instead of building their own nests, they often repurpose abandoned nests built by other birds, particularly the nests of the Eurasian Penduline Tit or the Eurasian Penduline Tit. This behavior, called nest parasitism, is unusual among songbirds.

My dentist

The European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) is a highly adaptable bird native to Europe but now widespread across North America and other regions. It is recognizable by its glossy black plumage with iridescent hues of purple and green, and white speckles, particularly in winter. Known for its mimicking ability, the starling can imitate various sounds, including other birds and mechanical noises.

Black Necked Grebe

The Black-necked Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis) is a small, striking waterbird found in wetlands across Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. During the breeding season, it sports a distinctive black neck and head, golden ear tufts, and red eyes.

These grebes prefer shallow lakes and marshes, where they build floating nests from plant material. They are excellent divers, feeding primarily on small fish, insects, and crustaceans.

Green Broadbill family

The Green Broadbill, found in Southeast Asia, is a charming bird with a brilliant emerald-green plumage and a distinctive, large bill. Its unique bill shape allows it to catch insects on the wing, making it a proficient aerial hunter. This broadbill's preference for dense, tropical forests means it's often heard rather than seen, as its loud, ringing calls echo through the canopy.

The woodpecker protects the nest from a hungry snake

Looking to connect with nature from the comfort of your home?

Experience wildlife up close with AI-powered bird camera feeders. These smart devices not only attract birds to your garden but also capture stunning images and videos, identifying different species in real-time. Enjoy the beauty of nature, enhance your birdwatching hobby, and learn about local wildlife effortlessly!

The Northern Gannet

The Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus) is a large seabird found in the North Atlantic. It is known for its striking white plumage, black-tipped wings, and long, pointed beak. These birds are excellent divers, plunging from great heights to catch fish.
Northern Gannets breed in dense colonies on cliffs and rocky islands, where they build nests from seaweed, grass, and mud.

So peaceful

The Gouldian Finch, native to Australia, is a marvel of avian beauty with its vibrant plumage in shades of red, yellow, and green. Renowned for its striking coloration, it stands out as a symbol of Australia's diverse avian fauna. This small passerine bird captivates with its delicate features and distinctively colored head. Its presence in the wild and in captivity alike highlights its popularity among bird enthusiasts worldwide, making it a cherished icon of Australia's rich biodiversity.

How to build a bird house

Video of the process of building a house for a little bird

So cute

So cute

Rescue a bird’s nest after a storm

#Rescue #birds

This tree is mine

This bird does not agree with the man sitting at the base of its tree

Sharp-tailed Grouse

The Sharp-tailed Grouse is a medium-sized bird native to North America's grasslands and prairies. Named for its pointed tail feathers, it’s known for its striking courtship displays, where males perform elaborate dances on leks to attract females. With mottled brown and white plumage, it blends well into its open habitat. The grouse primarily eats seeds, grains, and insects. Habitat loss poses a threat to this species, making conservation efforts crucial.

Prepare to depart

The Elegant Tern, found along the coastlines of North and South America, is renowned for its graceful appearance and distinctive black cap during breeding season. With a slender body and long, slender bill, it stands out among seabirds for its aerial acrobatics and precise diving skills. Nesting in large colonies, it exhibits a remarkable social structure, often seen in dense gatherings on sandy beaches. Its stark white plumage, contrasted by a sleek black cap, adds to its striking presence among coastal habitats.

Herons (Bagula) Catches The Fish

Herons, commonly known as Bagula in some regions, are skilled fish hunters found in wetlands, rivers, and coastal areas worldwide. These elegant birds possess long legs, sharp beaks, and excellent patience, allowing them to wade quietly in shallow waters. Herons employ a stealthy approach, standing still or moving slowly to avoid startling their prey. Once a fish is within reach, they strike with lightning speed, using their sharp beaks to catch and swallow the fish whole. This hunting technique showcases their remarkable adaptation to aquatic environments.

Scarlet Macaw

The Scarlet Macaw, a beacon of the Amazon rainforest, astounds with its brilliant plumage and charismatic presence. Adorned in vibrant reds, blues, and yellows, it commands attention as it soars through the canopy. This majestic parrot, revered by indigenous cultures, symbolizes vitality and beauty in its natural habitat. Its raucous calls echo through the jungle, while its playful antics captivate onlookers. However, habitat loss and poaching threaten its existence, underscoring the urgent need for conservation efforts to safeguard this iconic species for future generations.

Scarlet Honeycreeper

The Scarlet Honeycreeper, scientifically known as Cyanerpes cyaneus, is a small bird species found in Central and South America, particularly in tropical forests.
It is renowned for its vibrant plumage, with males displaying bright scarlet feathers contrasting with black wings, while females have greenish plumage. These honeycreepers primarily feed on nectar, fruits, and insects, using their slender, curved bills to extract food from flowers. Their long, pointed bills are adapted for probing deep into flowers to access nectar.

Western Capercaillie 

The Western Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), found in the forests of Europe and parts of Asia, is a majestic bird known for its impressive size and elaborate courtship displays. Males exhibit striking black plumage with iridescent blue and green tones, while females boast more subtle brown feathers for camouflage. With a distinctively curved beak and a prominent red comb above the eye, the Capercaillie epitomizes the beauty of forest-dwelling avian species, symbolizing resilience and adaptation in its natural habitat.

The Grey Wagtail

The Grey Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea) is a slender, elegant bird found across Europe, Asia, and North Africa. It is easily recognized by its long tail, yellow underparts, and grey upperparts. The bird frequents fast-flowing streams, rivers, and lakes, often seen bobbing its tail as it walks along the water's edge. Grey Wagtails build their nests in crevices, tree roots, or man-made structures close to water. The nest is made of grass, moss, and leaves, lined with softer materials. Known for their distinctive tail-wagging behavior and agile insect-catching skills, Grey Wagtails are a charming sight in their riparian habitats.

Rufous-necked Hornbill

The Rufous-necked Hornbill, found in the forests of Southeast Asia, is a magnificent bird with a striking appearance, characterized by its large size, black plumage, and rufous-colored neck. One of its most remarkable behaviors is its unique nesting habits. The female hornbill seals herself inside a tree cavity using her own droppings and mud, leaving only a small slit for feeding. Inside this protective enclosure, she lays her eggs and raises her chicks, relying on the male to provide food.

Eurasian hoopoe feeding chicks in the tree

The Eurasian Hoopoe (Upupa epops) is a distinctive and charismatic bird found across Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa. Recognized by its unique crown of feathers, long, curved bill, and striking black and white wings with a hint of pink, the Hoopoe is unmistakable in appearance. Its name is onomatopoeic, mimicking its distinctive "hoop-hoop" call. These birds prefer open landscapes with scattered trees and are often seen probing the ground for insects with their specialized bills.

Northern brown shrike 

The Northern Brown is a small migratory bird found in East Asia and Southeast Asia, including regions like China, Japan, and Vietnam. It is identified by its brown plumage, prominent black mask, and hooked bill. Preferring open habitats such as fields, scrublands, and forest edges, this shrike feeds on insects, small birds, and rodents. Known for its unique behavior of impaling prey on thorns, it plays a crucial role in controlling insect populations in its ecosystem.

Tibetan Blood Pheasant

The Tibetan Blood Pheasant (Ithaginis cruentus), native to the mountainous regions of Tibet, Nepal, and Bhutan, is known for its striking plumage. Males display a dramatic combination of greenish-gray feathers with vivid red streaks and a bright red face, while females are more subdued in color. These birds inhabit high-altitude forests and scrublands, foraging for seeds, insects, and plant matter. Their vibrant appearance and preference for rugged terrain make the Tibetan Blood Pheasant an emblematic species of the Himalayas.

The Blackbird

The Blackbird (Turdus merula) is a common songbird found across Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Males are easily recognized by their all-black plumage and bright yellow-orange beak and eye ring, while females are dark brown with speckled underparts. Known for their melodious and flute-like songs, blackbirds are often found in gardens, woodlands, and parks. They feed on insects, worms, and fruits, foraging on the ground. Their beautiful song and widespread presence make them a familiar and much-loved species in many regions.

Very patient

The Black-crowned Night Heron is a medium-sized heron found in wetlands and coastal regions worldwide, including North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Distinguished by its stocky build, this bird features a striking black crown and back, contrasting with its grey wings and white underparts. Its red eyes and short legs are also notable. Primarily nocturnal, the Black-crowned Night Heron feeds at dusk and night, hunting for fish, crustaceans, insects, and small mammals. Often seen standing still or moving slowly in shallow water, it uses a patient, stealthy approach to capture prey. This bird's adaptability to various habitats and its widespread presence make it a fascinating and important species in wetland ecosystems.

MacQueen’s Bustard

MacQueen's Bustard is a large, ground-dwelling bird found in arid and semi-arid regions of the Middle East, Central Asia, and parts of South Asia. This species, known for its cryptic plumage of browns, grays, and whites, blends well into its desert surroundings. MacQueen's Bustard is a shy and elusive bird, often difficult to spot. It is known for its slow, deliberate movements and the ability to run swiftly when threatened. During the breeding season, males perform elaborate courtship displays, including puffing out their chest feathers and making deep, booming calls to attract females.

An adventurous place to find food

Looking to connect with nature from the comfort of your home?

Experience wildlife up close with AI-powered bird camera feeders. These smart devices not only attract birds to your garden but also capture stunning images and videos, identifying different species in real-time. Enjoy the beauty of nature, enhance your birdwatching hobby, and learn about local wildlife effortlessly!

Experience nature at your doorstep with AI bird camera feeders.



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